Dismembered (2020)
Review By Gore Filth
While director, Rob Ceus was finishing up his feature length zombie gorefest, “Zombies From Sector 9”, he made this absolutely incredible short with a killer story and filled with gallons of gore and an incredibly creepy atmosphere to match! A man gets the horrific news that his wife and child are dead, but the authorities believe it’s no accident. I won’t go too deeper into it to not spoil anything but needless to say, the man completely loses his mind, but over time is able to pull himself together just enough to start seeing patients of his own. One patient of his has a condition that is very much a nod to Hellraiser 2 because he cuts and peels at his skin from hallucinations of insects! The doctor with this particular patient in mind concocts a way to bring his dead child back to life with a book that looks a lot like the Necronomicon from Evil Dead and the end results will be gruesome beyond belief and where this incredible short REALLY lives up to its title!
Dismembered will be screening at the Free Independent Film Weekend this October!